Coffee Shop and Restaurant
About Us.
A place to connect with family, friends, business colleagues, or even just to be by yourself.
Our Restaurant.
From just a quick coffee on-the-go, a slice of cake, to a full meal at lunch or dinner, Friendz is a happy place to unwind and recharge.

We have indoor and outdoor seating. Grab a couch, a table for two, or meet at a large table.
Our desire is to create a friendly, clean, pleasant, and happy Christian environment.

A Few Words About Us
We are a family-run business with a big heart for people.
Our vision is to create a place where friends, family, and Bible Study groups can meet, where business meetings can happen, all in a friendly, clean, pleasant and happy Christian environment.

Easily accessible
You can find us at the entrance to Hayfields Mall, Shop 57B, 28 Blackburrow Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg.
Our heart for people gathering in a friendly and safe environment comes from the Bible, where we are encouraged to look out for one another and love our neighbour.